Oakwood Toddler Group
What are we?
A community toddler group serving the local area. We aim to support parents and carers, and provide a variety of play experiences for their children.
Who is it for?
All babies and toddlers from the local area with their parents and carers. Relax and enjoy!
Suggested donation: £2.50 per family
How do I get more information?
Ring Clare on 07759 200 556
Email Clare at OakwoodToddlerGroup@gmail.com
We care:
We want every child at this Toddler Group to really enjoy the morning, and benefit from a safe, accepting, and happy environment. To this end we have adopted the following policies from the Early Years Alliance. Please read and note!
Admissions Policy
Behaviour Policy
Equality & Diversity Policy
Hygiene Policy
Safeguarding Policy
Safety Policy

New: Oakwood Toddler Group Library. We have a small collection of books which parents and carers can browse or borrow. They include books on parenting, useful activities for your children, and some interesting biographies.
All constructive comments are welcome! Let us know if anything would improve your child’s experience at Oakwood Toddler Group. Thank you!